Home Remedies For Migraines

Migraine is a severe headache that has a tendency to last for several hours and sometimes even days. Blackouts, dizziness and nausea are some common signs of migraine. However, the main cause of migraine is a spasm in the arteries that provide blood to the brain.

Stress, hormonal imbalances, lack of sleep, and increase in blood sugar level can also trigger a migraine attack. Migraine can be hereditary, but this ailment is more prevalent in women than in men.

Effective Home Remedies That Provide Relief From Migraine


Essential oils of eucalyptus, lavender, sandalwood and peppermint are extremely beneficial in treating migraines. A warm bath with a drop of any of these essential oils soothes the nerves and gives relief from migraine. Additionally, a cloth dipped in cold water with a drop of lavender oil and placed on the head can also be helpful in treating migraine.


There are some pressure points in our body that help in treating numerous ailments and is also considered as one of the best ways to treat migraine. However, acupressure needs to be practiced by an experienced person so to get a hold of the correct pressure points in the body.

Ayurvedic Massage

A head massage using ayurvedic and herbal oils is one of the finest home remedies for migraine. A 20 to 30 minute head massage can give respite from the throbbing migraine and at the same time relax the entire body.


Certain juices are considered to provide a lasting respite from migraine. Juice of ripe grapes and a concoction made with equal amounts of cucumber juice, and beetroot juice is an ideal herbal remedy for migraine. Fresh vegetable juice is also said to provide respite from migraine. These juices should be had in small quantities 2 to 3 times a day.

Cabbage Leaf Therapy

This traditional home remedy works wonders in treating a migraine. A few crushed leaves of a cabbage, placed in a cloth and tied on the forehead is said to decrease the intensity of the headache. This is one of the oldest home remedied for migraine.


Tea has numerous herbal properties that have proven not only to give relief from migraine but also decrease its frequency and symptoms. Consuming herbal teas like chamomile tea on a daily basis can be very helpful in getting rid of migraine.

Lemon Rind

Lemon has several medicinal properties and it also beneficial for those suffering from migraine. Applying a fine paste of lemon rind on the forehead for 15 to 20 minutes is said to give relief from severe migraine and also from its symptoms.

Sandalwood Paste

Sandalwood is said to have a soothing effect on the body, a paste made with fresh sandalwood and applied on the forehead reduces the intensity of the migraine and relaxes the entire body.

Things To Avoid

A migraine can be triggered by several factors. Hence, to avoid a migraine attack one should avoid direct sunlight for long periods. Alcohol consumption and smoking should also be avoided as they are largely responsible for triggering a migraine attack.

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