Apple Coconut Lice Treatment

Lice are insidious, contagious creatures with strong survival instincts. They travel from person to person through direct contact and can lay hundreds of eggs a day. Within ten days of hatching, they are ready to start their own families. So eliminating lice completely takes two strategies—you need to remove the lice themselves and you must remove all their eggs so you don't have another infestation two weeks later.

Just washing your hair won't get rid of them, as they instinctively close up to protect themselves from water. Their eggs are attached firmly to hairs with a type of natural concrete, so simply combing won't remove the eggs. Their breeding cycle is so rapid that they soon become immune to the toxic commercial treatments available.

However, lice do have their vulnerabilities. They breathe through their bodies, so the best way of removing the lice naturally is by applying a hair mask that suffocates the lice. The acetic acid in vinegar will dissolve the concrete substance attaching the eggs to hair.

It is very important to continue the treatment for at least two weeks, even if you use commercial products, as you will face a reinfestation after ten days if you miss a single louse egg. Commercial products can become very irritating to the scalp and damaging to the hair, so coconut oil and apple cider vinegar are ideal natural alternatives, as they will cleanse and nourish the hair.

20 oz (600 ml) apple cider vinegar 
14 oz (425 ml) melted coconut oil, cooled

Metal fine-tooth comb 
Cup of boiling water 
Cloth for wiping comb

Rinse hair with vinegar and comb for at least twenty minutes, dipping the comb into the boiling water if you encounter a louse. Wipe the comb on the cloth to clear it of any eggs. For best results, comb your child's hair in front of the television so they are distracted from what you are doing.

Allow the vinegar to dry on the hair, and then apply the cooled coconut oil thickly to the scalp and hair, ensuring all hair is covered thoroughly. For best results, ask your child to wear a shower cap as this will contribute to the elimination process. Keep the mask on for at least three hours (not overnight, as the process will disturb your child's sleep).

Rinse coconut oil thoroughly from hair, then repeat the vinegar treatment, combing the hair with apple cider vinegar to remove lice and eggs.

Repeat the complete treatment three days later and another three days after that. If you are no longer seeing lice, then stop the coconut oil treatment and continue with the vinegar treatment every few days for another two weeks. If you see any small lice, repeat the coconut treatment at least once more.

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