Skin Care Tips for Summer

    "Apple-interchange-newline"> Summers are back with a bang and temperatures are soaring up gradually. It’s the time for countless summer skin woes! The sudden change in weather from cool winters to hot summers can result in some problems within the duration of acclimatization to the changing weather, especially for kids and elderly people. From skin ailments like heat rashes, sunburns ,tanning, and dehydration; to serious health issues such as blemishes, pimples and pigmentation are bound to occur. Well, summer results in some wear and tear in every individual and is proved to be notorious in ruining the skin. However, with a one step forward approach, we can prevent many skin issues occurring in summer.        Common Ailments: In summers, common skin problems include heat rashes, sunburns and skin tanning. The heat of the summer causes excessive sweating leading to skin irritation, prickly sensation and redness, especially on the back. Children are more prone to heat rashes. Due to excess sweat production the ducts get blocked and thus form blisters. Common areas affected include neck, upper chest, armpits, and groin. Lot of irritation is caused due to these prickly, itchy pimple-like blisters. Sunburn is caused by Ultraviolet rays present in sunlight. Exposure to UV rays will burn the upper layer of skin called epidermis and results in sunburns. Tanning is also the result of exposure to UV rays. But here the rays penetrates through the external skin to inner layers of the epidermis, where they stimulate the melanocytes which results in overproduction of pigmentation agent-melanin, ultimately leading to skin tan.

Preventive tips: Here are few tips for the Prevention skin problems-

Simple way is to stay out of direct exposure to sunlight during the peak hours of the day.

You can protect yourself by wearing hats, sunglasses, long sleeved cotton shirts.

Stay in a shaded spot or take an umbrella while going out.

For treating burns, apply chamomile tea in the burnt area. It acts a powerful antiinflammatory agent.

Apply aloe vera gel thrice a day to cool down your skin and give a healing touch.

Rubbing the burnt area with a cucumber slice immediately cools your skin.

Add baking soda to bathing water. The bicarbonate in the soda will help to reduce the irritation, itchiness and softens the skin.

Rinse the affected area with antibacterial soap to get relief from itching and irritation.

Tap dry the skin with smooth towel after you bathe, then apply talcum to keep it dry.

Wear loose fitting clothes, which can allow aeration to the skin.

Drink more water, at least 3 to 4 liters a day to stay hydrated.

Drink lime juice 2 to 3 times a day in hot summer, that will help you to cool down your body.

Avoid creams and lotions on the skin that may cause closure of sweat glands.

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