Smoothies - 3

Peach, Raspberry, and Mint Smoothie

Prepare the basic recipe, adding a few fresh mint leaves to the blend.

Peach and Orange Smoothie

Prepare the basic recipe, replacing the raspberries and milk with 3/4 cup orange juice.

 Raspberry and Orange Smoothie

Prepare the basic recipe, but omit the peach and milk, increase the quantity of raspberries to 1 cup, and add 1/2 cup orange juice to the blend.

Peach, Raspberry, and Orange Smoothie

Prepare the basic recipe, omitting the milk and replacing it with 1/4 cup orange juice.
Banana and Strawberry Smoothie

Prepare the basic recipe, replacing the milk with 1/4 cup orange juice. 

Strawberry and Orange Smoothie

Prepare the basic recipe, omitting the milk and banana, adding 1/4 cup orange juice, and increasing the strawberries to cups.

Strawberry Smoothie

Prepare the basic recipe, omitting the banana and increasing the quantity of strawberries to cups.

Banana and Raspberry Smoothie

Prepare the basic recipe, omitting the strawberries and replacing them with the same quantity of raspberries.

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